Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Automobiles, the FPGA and Xilinx again

I have been in a number of auto accidents in recent years. If such things happen too often you start questioning, maybe there is something really wrong with my driving skills.

I find it quiet embarrassing because I drive a few miles/hour below the posted speed limit. I am not a risk taker at all; I often yield to other drivers and drive in the slow-lane as much as possible. Although I must admit that while riding my bicycle, if the road is empty, I do tend to cross the intersection because some of those roads probably have pressure sensors at intersection, and my bicycle is not heavy enough to trigger green-light.

People who know me consider me overly safe driver. And yet, I have had some rather nasty accidents in recent years.

  1. A car hit my car on intersection, and a few days later claimed for injury to a passenger (who was not even in their car during the accident), police falsified the accident. I first argued the false report then gave-up. There is no record of the accident.
  2. I heard something hitting my rental car on a busy expressway. The car lost control and slammed into red-light pole at about 50 mph. Car was badly damaged, yet the air-bag did not pop-up, luckily I came out unharmed. There is no record of the accident.
  3. A car changed three lanes in a split of second, and slammed into my stopped vehicle. The driver (a total stranger) stopped to exchange insurance information; made some comments on family and about Xilinx, indirectly told me that he knew about my life. He did not want me to call police. I had no damage and no claim so I agreed. We exchanged insurance information. He later falsified the accident, I disputed with my agent. A few days later I received a check for partial payment. There is no record of the accident.
  4. After several months, I went to rent car during my daughter's high-school graduation. The rental company complained that I was black-listed for some accident in Florida-USA. I have never been to Florida.
  5. Similar things happened while I was in Germany on a Xilinx manipulated FPGA business trip, and rented a car. But that story for some other time …
And this is not all, such mysterious acts have not happened just with me but many people related to me. I would not name them, without their permission ...

Someone' car flipping upside down in Seattle-WA, and someone' wheel popping out on freeway, and perhaps similar things to my relatives in India as well.

All these accidents point to Xilinx' leadership, they are unethical and must resign.

If scaring me was in their mind, they are successful; I do not know what such unethical people will do next?

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