Thursday, November 10, 2011

Chemical Attacks By FBI agent

Actually I must correct, I no longer believe that it is my family only who is the victim but many others who might have helped FBI knowingly or unknowingly are also victim. Although that is my guess, but somehow I suspect that I might be right.

The symptoms are broad.

Controlled and specific cell growth, thickening and/or thinning of cartilage, obstruction in food metabolism, obstruction in respiratory organs, vision and hearing impairment, alteration in blood pressure rhythm, ..., ...

I think it is through the use of steroids, or hormone manipulation, or viral infection they are able to target specific parts of the body/cell. And most likey it is through the skin the foreign objects are entered into body, I cannot see them due to their microscopic size and their is no odor or any visual cues either.

I am suspecting that it is not only Xilinx-FBI but some leaders of Democratic Party who might be part of the this vicious game they are playing on our family. And, probably on other innocent people too.

It is shame that on one end, they control our employment - finance, and from other end attack health and well being, while using FBI they deny access to proper medical assistance, police intervention and legal help.